For men who have periods too.

Image of Dakota with Vuokkoset package
When I was young, menstruation felt not only strange but somehow wrong. Our culture does not really acknowledge the diversity of menstruating individuals
DEI Consultant
Certified Human rights Trainer
Transgender activist
For transgender men, period pains are not just physical. They are a monthly reminder that the sex assigned to them at birth doesn’t match who they truly are.
This feeling is further enhanced by how periods and period products are viewed in our culture: as a ’women’s thing’.

Not everyone who menstruates is a woman; transgender men and non-binary individuals may have periods too. To break this outdated belief, Vuokkoset is launching Tampon for Men on Transgender Awareness Week.

It’s time to include men in menstruation.
Gender dysphoria is a feeling of distress caused by mismatch of gender identity and the one assigned at birth.
According to a study, this feeling is further enhanced by having to buy and use menstrual products.
Who is Vuokkoset? Why are we doing this?
Vuokkoset is Finland's only manufacturer of disposable menstrual products. We have more than 40 years of experience in the responsible development and manufacture of hygiene products for the needs of the whole family. We offer safe, high-quality and skin-friendly hygiene products that meet the environmental values which are important to us.

For a long time our goal has been to make the period product category inclusive to all gender identities. Periods are just as diverse as people. With a tangible product we want to break the traditional belief that gender is based on sex.
What inspired Vuokkoset to launch a tampon designed specifically for men?
How does this tampon differ from traditional tampons in design and packaging?
What's the significance of launching the product during International Transgender Awareness Week?
How does Vuokkoset envision the future of menstrual products in terms of gender inclusivity?